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The Right Tool for T.E.W.L
TEWL and dehydration are caused mostly by not drinking enough water but also by the lack of humidity in the environment. We all lose approximately 1 pint of fluid each day from TEWL. If you already have dry skin, you’ll lose more, leaving you open to dehydration and infection, as well as make you look older than you are.
Most of the skin problems (how it looks and feels) are due to overly dry skin. Of course, drinking more water and eating water laden vegetables and fruit will help the situation, but you also need to use the right skincare products to combat TEWL. Trans-epidermal water loss (TEWL) is when the water inside you evaporates through your skin. We all lose approximately 1 pint of fluid each day from TEWL. If you already have dry skin, you’ll lose more, leaving you open to dehydration and infection, as well as make you look older than you are.
TEWL and dehydration are caused mostly by not drinking enough water but also by the lack of humidity in the environment. Winter dry air and the use of indoor heating increase water loss, drying skin out even faster. Using drying products for acne and oily skin, drinking too much caffeine, pool swimming, illness, hormonal imbalance, smoking, stress and travel are also moisture killers. To repair the damage done and stop it from progressing, you need to be using skincare products that trap in water, while not clogging pores.
For most, applying heavy creams can cause more problems: clog pores, acne, milia to name a few. Try to find products that are well balanced with emollients and oils. Emollients are ingredients that seal in moisture; my favorite is jojoba oil because it fights bacteria and won’t clog your pores. Ceramides (lipids) in skincare are also extremely helpful for locking in water.
Once you find products that have the right ingredients, you then have to try them on your own skin to see if your skin reacts well. You need to try a new skincare routine for at least a month before seeing if it’s going to work for you. Why one month?... because it’s the typical full cycle of your skin.
There is a lot to learn about ingredients: ones that are good for your skin, ones that are bad for your skin and overall health and ones that work well enough together to actually make a difference. I have researched this for 13 years now, so if you would like specific advice on the right products and ingredients for YOUR skin, please set up a skin assessment and maybe a product assessment (I look over the ingredients of your current products). There are thousands of brands out there, it pays to have a professional’s advice on skincare products.
Shelly Todd, LE
J Renee Organics
J Renee Skin Clinic
Georgia Esthetician: ES011069
Oregon Esthetician: FT-10153597
New Scheduling Online
New J Renee Spa locations in Georgia, Oregon and North Carolina. Also, Mother’s Day E-Gift Cards on sale for 15% off to be used on Skin Services in GA or J Renee Organics product orders from anywhere.