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Use Pumpkin to Plump-Skin
_Mask-up with pumpkin_
According to the Journal of The Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition, scientific studies on skin show that pumpkin, along with red paprika and tomato, reverse the elevated levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS). Excessive amounts of ROS can damage cellular and DNA, leading to premature aging and cancer. Pumpkin also contains a plethora of antioxidants that soothe skin and help improve collagen production to plump up the skin and lessen the look of wrinkles. While the pumpkin mask sits on your skin, it’s dissolving the damaged skin cells, while leaving healthy cells intact, revealing the healthy even-toned cells beneath. In just 10-15 minutes, you’ll see improvement. With a series of 3 pumpkin home facial kits, done 10 days apart, you’ll be amazed at the results.
We all need a laugh
COMEDY IS MY JAM! We are sponsoring laugher at the 2020 Portland Comedy Festival. You know we all need a laugh this year!
#pdx #portlandcomedy #portlandcomedyfestival #comedy #jinksmonsoon #portlandoregon #organicskincare #naturalbeauty #naturalskincare #skincare #smile #laugh #beauty #yourebeautiful #smilemore #lovetolaugh
Reverse 2020 Skin Damage
2020 has disrupted all of our normal routines; I’m sure your mind has been far from focusing on your typical skincare routine. From daily COVID masks use, the stress of homeschooling and financial difficulties, to increased alcohol intake, sleep issues and air pollution… it’s no wonder so many people are suffering from skin issues. It’s time to press the reset button.
Stress, anxiety, lack of sleep and changes in eating and drinking habits can all interfere with hormones, metabolism and many other important functions in your body. This disruption can lead to dull, lack-luster skin or even redness, irritation and acne. The body can easily realign after any of these changes in the short term, but since 2020 has been quite the marathon of hurdles, we need to take action now to correct skin issues before they permanently effect our beauty and skin health. Implementing a daily routine of washing, toning and moisturizing in the morning and evening will help bring your skin back to stasis. This alone will start to resolve skin issues after just a few diligent weeks.
Moving on to the air pollution, which is a biggie when it comes to skin. When skin is subjected to environmental pollution to the extent of this year’s fire smoke, it loses its ability to protect you and throws off your natural bacteria balance. Smoke is made up of a complex mixture of gases and fine particles produced when wood and other organic materials burn, now add in pollution from burning buildings, car tires and many other severely toxic things that were ignited in recent fires. Studies show that toxic air pollution can cause skin irritation, acne, dry skin, redness and ultimately cause free radical damage to cells leading to the break-down of collagen. Like smoking cigarettes, free radical DNA damage from fire smoke causes accelerated skin aging and wrinkles.
It’s imperative to remove the damaged outer layer of skin. Start exfoliating weekly with an enzyme peeling mask to gently remove the impaired outer barrier of dead skin cells, then right after, apply a recovery mask to restore the moisture balance, fortify the skin and kill excess bacteria. After exfoliating, use a tonerto restore skin PH so your skin can protect against pollution that day. Finish with a moisturizer for your skin type (dry, oily, etc), this is your outer defense against the elements. When the skin is properly moisturized, the cells are plump and fit together like a tight shield against the world. I don’t suggest using SPF if you will be spending most of your time indoors; apply it last if outdoors.
Lastly, COVID masks can cause acne and dermatitis and the friction can irritate the skin on your face, making it flakey and dry. If you are wearing your mask daily for more than a few hours at a time, you will want to increase the exfoliation and recovery mask to twice per week. To stave off further irritation and stop problems in their tracks, continue this bi-weekly routine for as long as you are wearing your COVID mask regularly.
J. Renee products not only create an optimal environment for healthy beautiful skin, they save you time and money by creating an easy daily routine which is also applied at night. Once you are set with your personalized skincare routine, no new products are needed or suggested unless your health or circumstances change. We proudly support patients going through cancer treatment and pregnant women in need of skincare help. Consistent use of gently exfoliating organic ingredients formulated with moisture support and antioxidants, work together to dissolve dead skin build-up and enhance your skin’s natural ability to protect you. This simple concept corrects so many of our skin problems: acne, wrinkles, age spots, dry and oily skin and even helps the appearance of chronic skin conditions like Rosacea and eczema. Because we take special care to make our products gentle, effective and safe, people of all ages, races, genders and stages of health can safely use our products.
Healthy Skin, Save $ and Time
J. Renee products not only create an optimal environment for healthy beautiful skin, they save you time and money.
The same easy daily routine is also applied at night and will keep your skin in a happy stasis. Without the oily/dry spikes experienced with changing your routine constantly or not having a routine at all, in just a few weeks, your skin will learn to relax. Your oil glands will stop producing excessive amounts of oil. Your dry skin will be gently exfoliated and whittled down to better absorb your products so you can use less product. Wrinkles will have less depth, appearing smoother while aged spots and acne scarring is also lightened and blended better with your skin tine.
Consistent, daily use of gently exfoliating ingredients work together to dissolve dead skin build-up. This simple concept corrects so many of our skin problems: acne, wrinkles, age spots, dry skin, overly oily skin and even helps the appearance of chronic skin conditions like Rosacea and eczema. Solely using the J.Renee routine as it was formulated (together), will speed up the beautification process and eliminate the possibility of too much of one ingredient. Too much oil may break you out, too much salicylic acid can irritate, too much acid can thin the skin and cause inflammation.
J. Renee routines are simple: Cleanser, Toner, Serum, Lotion done morning and night. A weekly peel and mask at home is like seeing an esthetician monthly, but for far less time and money. No need for eye cream, our lotions are formulated to help eye skin problems as well. No need for a night cream because you are using acne fighting, antiaging formulas every day, all day. This concept allows the skin to live in a healthy environment, instead of chasing problems down to be corrected.
J. Renee products contain many active synergistic ingredients, so a little goes a long way, which make the return on investment worth every penny. You’ll not only be saving your skin and saving money, you’ll be saving the planet. J. Renee Organics only uses sustainable botanical ingredients, keeps a small environmental foot print, uses wind-based power, is bottled in 100% recyclable glass and plastic and has minimal packaging and reusable product dispensers. We proudly support vegan and organic lifestyles and offer healthy skincare for all skin types and all ages.
Healthy Habitat For Skin
Consistent, gentle exfoliating ingredients work together in your routine to dissolve dead skin build-up. This simple concept corrects so many of our skin problems: acne, wrinkles, age spots, dry skin, overly oily skin and even helps the appearance of chronic skin conditions like Rosacea and eczema. Solely using the J.Renee routine as it was formulated (together), will speed up the beautification process and eliminate the possibility of too much of one ingredient. Too much oil may break you out, too much salicylic acid can irritate, too much acid can thin the skin and cause inflammation.
J. Renee products contain many active botanical ingredients, so a little goes a long way, which make the return on investment worth every penny. Learn how we create a healthy skin environment daily, instead of chasing down blemishes and wrinkles later … LEARN MORE
Scrub It off
Scrub Bits
Scrubs, used gently and only weekly, can leave your skin soft and ready to absorb your serums and lotions. Use our Scrub Bits in your favorite cleanser or mask to quickly exfoliate with gentle particles that won’t scratch your skin.
Smoke CAuses Wrinkles
Forest fire smoke launches caustic particles and gasses into the air when trees and other organic materials burn, now add in pollution from burning buildings, car tires and many other severely toxic things burning in our area right now. Fire smoke can cause skin irritation, acne, dry skin, redness and ultimately cause free radical damage to cells leading to the break-down of collagen. Like smoking cigarettes, free radical DNA damage from fire smoke causes accelerated skin aging and wrinkles.
A scientific study on Natural Antioxidants done in 2018 suggested that natural anti-oxidative ingredients that are formulated well, can protect against DNA damage from environmental pollution to skin. Be sure to wash with a natural facial cleanser that won’t strip the skin’s natural protective barrier.
Protect your skin by staying inside as much as possible, using an air purifier and applying a natural, well formulated serum and lotion after cleansing. Washing off the toxic smoke pollution two times per day and reapplying the serum and lotion after each washing will not only help protect your skin, it will also help keep it healthy, unclog the pores and bolster your natural barrier function. You can go one step further by applying an enzyme mask weekly at home to gently exfoliate the affected skin cells away.
Do one better, order a home facial kit to get a deeper exfoliation. Push restart.
Combat Mask Issues
Award winning esthetician, Shelly Todd, talks about skin issue that arise with mask wearing.
Wise ways to Sanitize
Many of you are noticing very dry skin and all the itching and cracks that go with it. While our hand sanitizer still has the necessary amount of alcohol to kill germs and viruses, it also contains oils and moisturizers so that your skin wont pay such a high price. Our hand sanitizer contains the FDA and CDC recommended 60% alcohol and our surface spray, which can also be used as a hand sanitizer as well as a spray for surfaces (steering wheel, car handle, shopping cart handle, etc), and it contains 69% alcohol! I use both on my hands and they haven’t been overly dry.
Covid skin got you down?
The pandemic is causing drastic changes in our routines, stress, sleep, eating and drinking habits which can negatively impact skin health and beauty. Wearing a mask daily may also cause new issues like acne, rashes and clog pores.
We are here to help; find your skin's specific needs and the products that will help bring things back to normal..OR even better than normal! Instead of wasting money trying to to fix it; find out the RIGHT things and stick with it for lasting positive changes and healthy glowing skin.
After answering an in-depth list of questions about your lifestyle, current routine and other things about you, you'll receive a personalized skin assessment, product suggestions and a professional at home facial kit from a skincare pro. Get exemplary results using professional organic peels and masks that are specifically for your skin’s needs.
Tap into the expert knowledge of an award winning esthetician: Shelly Todd, Revive Skin Services