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Skin PH & the Importance of Toner and Lotion

All kinds of things can affect the pH of your skin, like diet, hygiene habits and skin care products.

Without proper skin PH, which was previously thought to be 5.5, your barrier function doesn't work like it should. New research states that healthy skin is even more acidic at a PH of 4-4.5 (7 is neutral). Without the proper skin PH, your healthy skin bacteria (or microbiome) is less effective, causing things like acne, dry skin, sensitive skin and irritation.

This is why using a toner and moisturizer after cleansing is so important! PH is restored with the right toner for your skin type and protected throughout the day by the proper moisturizer.

To help your skin PH stay in a healthy range, make sure your products are right for your skin type. Also, always use a toner and moisturizer after washing and/or rinsing with water. Water is too alkaline, which leaves your skin dry, unprotected & can causes severe irritation and redness over time.

To find out exactly what products you should be using, set up a skin assessment.

Click the link below to find out your skin type and get free product samples.

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